Mohr Collaborative's Current Projects
My colleague Art Hutchinson just reminded me that googling Mohr Collaborative or my name turns up some pitifully out-of-date information and suggested that I might consider practicing what I preach to my clients about blogging best practices. After a three-month hiatus Art’s been regularly posting on his blog, Mapping Strategy, for the past couple of weeks and so I’m going to try to follow his example.
Here’s an update on Mohr Collaborative’s consulting work in our first 18 months.
- In May 2007 we completed our first major project, a professional development / innovation program for a large financial services firm. This was our first engagement with this client and they were so pleased with the results that we are repeating the program this year as well as running a second, larger program for another part of the firm. Art Hutchinson will be collaborating on these two projects.
- In June we began an engagement with colleagues Barbara Kivowitz and Sal Rasa (see also IM21) for a large health care system in Pennsylvania. We are assisting them in initiating a system-wide innovation process targeting “accountable health.”
- Last summer and fall we developed a distance learning course on underwriting for real estate professionals in the Asia Pacific region of a large financial services firm. The first cohort of 24 completed the course in December and we have already begun revising the course for a second offering this spring and subsequent global roll-out. Kimberly Duckworth has been doing the instructional design work and our instructor was Professor Mark Eppli of Marquette University and the Urban Land Institute.
Perhaps it’s now understandable, if not excusable, why I haven’t found time to update this website.